Sea Ice Remote Sensing

Miscellaneous Images from Arctic2003 Study

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Arctic2003 Flight Paths

The flight paths are shown over MODIS background.


March 15, near Nome, Alaska

Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (red), Landsat (grey) and AVHRR (blue) shown with ICESat swath segment (green)


March 13, St. Lawrence Island, AlaskaLandsat Surface Temperature



March 20, Point Hope, Alaska

MODIS true color image

March 19, Beaufort Sea

ICESat freeboard and estimated ice draft, along with PSR 10V and 10H for one of the ICESat flight lines.


March 20, Point Hope Alaska

Comparison of AMSR-E and Landsat ice concentrations with 12.5km AMSR grid and AMSR land mask shown in green.


March 22, near Nunivak Island, Alaska

PSR data is shown with MODIS data in the background. The flight path is shown in yellow and the coastline in green.

March 19, Beaufort Sea ice camp flight

image MODIS with flight path (yellow) and ICESat swath segment (green) over ice camp

PSR data (red) over MODIS data with flight path and ICESat swath (green)

image PSR scan lines are shown in green for the ice camp flight overpass. The aircraft path is shown in blue and the ice camp field observations in yellow. The intersection of the PSR scan lines and ground observation are high lighted in red. AMSR data is shown in the background (grey).
image A close up showing the scan lines divided into forward (green) and reverse (grey) scans. The corresponding intersection are high lighted in red and black. The PSR scan foot prints are shown in purple and the field measurements are shown in yellow.
image 37 GHz horizontal polarization Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer data over the ice camp.

ARTic2003, inspired by the GSFC Earth as Art website


March 13, AVHRR


March 20, Landsat
sea ice near Point Hope Alaska

image March 20, Landsat
near Point Hope, Alaska

March 19, MODIS
near Barrow, Alaska


Likeness of George Washington in Landsat scene near Point Hope, AlaskaLandsat Path/Row: 84 / 12

Lat/Lon: 68'34N / 165'38W

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